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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Helpful Tip...

Doing my hair has become hazardous.  Now that my bangs are short I have to curl them and thus doing my hair has become hazardous.  Yesterday I dropped the curling iron on my forehead... TWICE.  I managed to dodge one burn with my fumble but with the other fumble I wasn't so lucky.  A big ouchie smack dab at my hairline.  

In the picture it looks like a smudge but believe me it hurt.  So what do I do when I get a burn.  I run to the spice cabinet and grab the bottle of Burn Free.  That's right.  The stuff is called Burn Free.  It's awesome stuff.  It takes the sting out and really helps with the healing.  Just ask my husband... a year at the cabin with a wood burning stove... we had three bottles in our stash just in there was an emergency.



Gloria Dojlido said...

Ouch! Two days before we went to Cuba a couple years ago...I dropped my flat iron and seared my stomach...note to self...don't straighten your hair in your bra!!

Needless to say...I looked like I had a hug scar all week!

Doris said...

Been there, done that...