If you hadn't noticed already I have wings. This means that I am an Angel (demonstrator) with The Angel Company (TAC). I signed-up with TAC a little over year and a half ago. My husband was really interested in me continuing to stamp and he especially liked the benefits of me being a demonstrator. Since my best friend here in town is a Stampin' Up! demonstrator I didn't think it would be wise to go with SU! and I was also shy about their quarterly minimums. I really wasn't interested in teaching technique classes or doing parties. This meant that if I wasn't willing to work at getting a client base that I would have to buy enough product myself to stay active to receive the demonstrator benefits. Besides that we live in a remote area with no roads to other towns. There was already two other SU! demo's in town. Could Barrow really support another SU! seller? It wasn't long before The Angel Company found me through an acquaintance. Since then I have done a couple of FunShops (workshops) and I get orders regularly. I have been able to meet my quarterly minimum requirement with ease. My plan is to keep on going with The Angel Company as far as it will take me... one baby step at a time.
If you spend an average of $100's every four months on stamps and supplies YOU might be interested in getting your wings too. The benefits of being an Angel is well worth it... it's just more FUN. I haven't listed out the full details as to not bore those not interested... so please feel free to contact me at: nancygrant@gmail.com if you have questions or would like further information.
With that being said, I would like to warmly welcome Jen Young of Pieces of Me who received her Wings this week. That's Jen in the photo. Congratulations Jen and welcome to The Angel Company!
Yeah Jen!!
The Lord has really blessed you Nancy, delighted for you :) xx
Hi Nancy ~
I just love how you shared your experience and extended an invitation for others to share in your experience. You rock!
Love ~
Hi Nancy!
I found your site through Jen's. You are very talented and very interesting too! I really like your blog and will be back. Malieta:)
My oh my.... that is me!!! Thank you for taking me under your wings, my dear!!! So excited for myself - and for us to grow as a team together. Plenty of hugs n' wing embraces to you!!!
How wonderful we now have the 49th and 50th state covered.
Hi Nancy!
I picked your name for a winner this morning for my blog candy!! Congratulations! Just let me know where to send all of the goods!
Thank you for participating :)
Hi Nancy. Congratulations on growing your team! But be careful, Jen is a firecracker. Or should I say a rocket? Light fuse, then back away, lol! Congrats to both of you!!
I didn't know you were an Angel!
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