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Sunday, January 3, 2010


It's something how a year passing and a new year beginning can bring on self reflection. That's exactly what has happened to me and in a short month and half I will be turning forty which really brings on the thinking... YIKES!

For the most part practically all my private life has not been shared here on my blog. I was trying just to get by day by day and I relied on my craftiness (as in paper crafting) to keep myself afloat in blogland. Thankfully despite my lack of life details I still have many of my blogging friends and my subscriptions have continued to grow. THANK YOU.

With that being stated, I've finally come to a place where I can share what's become of me since we moved into our new life out of the arctic and into the woods. We've spent a year now unemployed, off the grid (without a city hook-up for utilities and services), and quite frankly really stressed out. In the midst of that we've also had some genuine good times and timely blessings.

So what does this all mean? I really don't know but I hope to grow in creativity and to write about our adventures out here in our neck of the woods.

Smiles and hello again!

Sharing a bible verse:
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus through all ages world without end. Amen." Ephesians 3:20 & 21


Jaime said...

I'd love to read about your adventures! :) And thank you for always sharing a verse... you continue to uplift and inspire me. Love you!

Tanis said...

HEY, you and I are almost TWINS!!
My 40th is on Feb. 18th!
When's yours??

Any news on the job front for Andrew?

Anonymous said...

I know this Country Living off the grid can be a real trial sometimes: piles of laundry and no hot water, (or no water at all, as was the case here for 7 days during that cold snap we just had, or the propane has gone out on a fridge full of groceries, or no gas in the generator and hubby has no time before heading to work to fill it and I have to do it myself and manage to spill gas all over me, oh I could go on... Somehow though, when I see the beautiful stars at night, take a walk in the stillness, see my children catching fish in the creek out the front door, bring in yummy stuff from the garden, it is just all worth it ~ to be here in this place. It is so nice you have solar. We haven't gotten that far yet.