It was a sleepless night for our household. Our daughter had an icky throwing up bug... the first of it's kind for her. Thankfully she only had a couple of episodes and one bought of the runs. Right now she is playing at my feet and keeping herself occupied. As for me I am blessed to have missed out on a little sleep to be a comfort and to deal with her messy clean-ups. What makes me feel blessed is to know that I am not alone in the care of my daughter and that God gives me strength to get through it all. I am constantly reminded that He only gives me what I can bare and no more. Tonight I will be teaching a class through my TAC business. Although I am creative and love to stamp, doing FunShops totally stress me out. The effort and anxiety is worth the work and I am pushing myself to at least do one workshop a month.
Anyhow, when I finally made it to my email late this morning I received a message from my husband with a photo attached to it. The title was "Remember When..." and the email was two short sentences. It was a picture of me with Ellie when she was still in the hospital. I was allowed to hold here twice a day an hour at a time. This included changing her diaper, feeding her, and having skin to skin time. What a precious miracle. Now she's 14 months old and not so tiny. The enclosed message was him thanking me for taking such wonderful card of our daughter. It means a whole bunch to me to have a husband that takes care of me and meets my needs and then gives more to take care of our children too. Going sleepless is a big deal for him and I am relieved that he isn't complaining about not sleeping last night and having to scrub the carpet and disinfect Ellie's room. I know that there aren't very many men out there that would be there like he has been for me.
Thank you Andrew for being my husband and for giving so much of you! It is an awesome God that made you for me. Your email means so much.
Poor Ellie...hope she is feeling better soon. And big hugs to Mom and Dad too. I think it is harder on us than them. ;0)
And you definitely have a keeper of a hubby there...I know...I have one myself. ;0)
This is a beautiful pic of you and your DD!
What an uplifting and inspiring message...especially after all the smelly poo!
You rock, Nance.
Oh, I hope Ellie is feeling better SOON!!! What a precious picture
This picture is precious. I'll be keeping your family in my prayers, the bug is a mean one! It's part of the mixed blessing of parenthood : ) Hope your TAC show was a fun one!
oh sweetie, you brought tears to my eyes. Your hubby is a sweetie....yes, they come one in a million!!!! I'm so happy that you and I have wonderful men for husbands, they are both so romantic, caring and willing to do anything for us!! Andrew and Charlie would make great friends!!!! =0) They were definitely in the same bag of 'goods' that God had stashed on the side. We are truly blessed. Give Andrew a big hug n' kiss on his forehead for me. What a sweetie!!!
Luv U!
What a beautiful post!! Wow...
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