I don't know if you noticed that I've been somewhat scarce this last two weeks. It's been a busier than expected time for us. Last night was a night I had planned to do some stamping because our guest had left, Andrew was home to look over Ellie, and I wasn't working. Well, here it is a day later and I have to tell you that I didn't stamp anything to share for today. Andrew and I spent time together instead. We watched a netflix together. We are so romantic aren't we?! It was a very relaxing evening.
Guess what? Ellie started crawling!!!! It was so awesome. I happened to have the camera out with the short little video captures when she crawled to me! I caught it digitally! It was so exciting!!! I am gonna have to work harder on baby proofing our home now that she's more mobile. Right before that we were driving home from work and the post office when I spotted a huge walrus swimming by near the shore. This is not a usual sighting either. We parked and watched the big fella swim for a a good five minutes. His tusks were so long. That's the first walrus I've seen in the wild like that. God's creations are wonderful... from little Ellie to the big walrus!
PHOTO: Here's a photo of me and my husband the day before I flew out to give birth to Ellie. We had no clue that she was on the way because I still had over two months more to go. We thank God every day for His miracle in our healthy baby daughter.
Great picture, wow a Walrus, how wonderful
What a beautiful pic of the two of you!! Seeing a Walrus in the wild would be soooo awesome! You are very lucky to get the opportunity to witness these amazing moments!! :0)
What a gorgeous photo of the two of you! :) I love hearing your stories of the wildlife you encounter up there... It must be amazing! :)
That is a great picture. Now we need to see a picture of Ellie crawling!! And how lucky you are to have been able to see a walrus that close in the wild. Amazing. Everything sounds wonderful in Alaska!!
What a great picture..you look absolutely beautiful! I'm glad you are doing great in Alaska---my hubby and I are thinking of doing a cruise up through Alaska in '08 or '09...
Love the picture-- you too are so cute (guess that is where Ellie gets it from).
What a beautiful couple you make!!!
Super new about Ellie crawling! Baby proof, indeed. ;)
That is so awesome about the walrus as well. I cannot even imagine how awesome it must have been to witness what you did.
Wonderful picture, you are very photogenic!
Congrats on the crawling, Elijah has progressed to pulling up and trying to stand! I cannot believe how fast they change! I love all of the Barrow-tid-bits! It keeps my memories fresh!
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